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    Qualities Of An Excellent Seo Company


    Off-Page SEO happens outside of the website. It is the method of distributing valuable and relevant content about your products and services onto the internet in the form of blog posts, videos, articles, forums, podcasts etc. that all point back to your website to help raise its rank in the search engines as well as drive traffic.

    By adding news to your website, you will be adding extra content, and the search engines will visit your site more often. What sort of news, or other regular additional content could you provide your SEO news company with? What about a blog, or focusing on a department or member of staff in your company? What about a product of the week, or a branch of your company?

    Create the title WITH your keywords in the title. What would someone type to come across your press release? Get inside your prospective clients head and then write your title to target that client.

    The fifth step is to have a good menu system or a site map. Search engines follow links to find the different pages in your site. If your navigation is one of those JavaScript drop-down menus or Flash menus, the search engines may not find all of your pages unless you have an alternative non-JavaScript link path that they can follow. If you use the fancy JavaScript links, you should have a hard link to a site map on every page. The site map should have a real non-JavaScript list of links that the search engines can follow to map out your whole site. As a standard policy I tend to avoid the JavaScript links in the menus.

    Build your webpage now using the SEO tips that I described above. Incorporate the right title using your keywords, meta tags, alt tags, header sizes and keyword density. Whew! Now that this is finally done, the real work begins! Off page optimization. This is the most important.

    It’s funny, you might be thinking. You might be wondering, in our SEO strategies, how do you log what sort of traffic channels you are activating for Pinterest those pages?

    Go to every supplier who you do business with and have your business name, address, phone, and especially your URL added to their dealer locator. If they don’t have one, encourage them to start one. If they say no, ask if there is any way they can give you a mention somewhere on some back page. A link from a supplier has huge juice in improving your ranking.

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