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    Outsourcing Your Seo “Grunt Work” To Take Full Advantage Of Profit


    The additional benefit is: now instead of simply having one (optimized) listing in the search engine, you end up with SEVERAL, many of them on the first page! None of them is even your site, but all of them are pages that lead people TO your website!

    Yes, I do that myself. When it comes to my primary blogs, I post the comments, I post the content, I do the forum posting in my SEO strategies. You have a lot of control and influence on that. When it comes to article distribution and buying links, or submitting videos you don’t need to be involved with that so much because it’s not going to change the process.

    The book instructions are simple, to the point, and user friendly. You don’t need a degree in internet savvy to read it. Use this secret weapon to climb to the top of the Google ranks. Know what works, use the most efficient SEO techniques, be there before the competition. Know what SEO software to use, how to use it, Pinterest and were to look. Dan’s SEO book will be the best investment your business has ever made. Actually, the only thing you are investing is the time it takes to read the book. Because the book is free!

    SEO news Pretend Gurus and Consultants learn a few tricks and sell their wares unscrupulously all over the web for cheap leaving you with a crappy e-book and no results.

    So EVEN IF you do get to the top, it will just make your competition try that much harder to knock you back down a peg or two. So you end up in a vicious cycle where you and your direct (and indirect) competitors are jockeying back and forth for first position. Whoever spends the most time (spelled M-O-N-E-Y) on SEO wins. At least for a time, just so long as no one else spends a little more than they do. So even if you get to the top, you can bet, you won’t stay there for long.

    Some experts estimate that as many as 100,000 new websites go live every day That’s 36,500,000 new websites a year! And, I venture to say that that’s a conservative estimate. So following are three basic SEO tips that every freelance writer can start using immediately to increase website traffic.

    When you have a new website you should ensure that the URL of your website has a structure that improves its SEO significance. The best way to make your URL more SEO friendly is making use of the feature found in Apache called ‘modrewrite’.

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